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Legal Help After A Trucking Accident In Phillipsburg, NJ

Trucking Accident In Phillipsburg, NJ

Pezzano Mickey Law

Honest and attentive legal representation for victims of trucking accidents.

A trucking accident is a frightening experience. And if you’ve been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck, the stress unfortunately doesn’t just end after the accident.

You may have been severely injured and have a long road to recovery that might require long-term care. You may have significant automobile damages and medical bills piling up.

If you’ve been the victim of a semi-truck accident, you need a trucking accident lawyer who will protect your rights, fight for your case, and help you get fair compensation for your losses. At Pezzano Law Groupin Phillipsburg, NJ, we are dedicated to providing you with the legal support you deserve after a trucking accident.

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation | (908) 923-0020

What To Do After A Trucking Accident

Trucking Accident Lawyer The first thing you should do after any accident is to contact emergency services. It is crucial to seek medical care for any injuries that may have occurred. Even if you do not think you are injured, it is a good idea to be checked out by medical professionals, as some injuries do not show up right away. Be sure to keep all medical bills and records. It is also advisable to have the police at the scene to conduct a police report. After the accident, you should try to obtain a copy of the police report for your own records. If it is safe, you should gather as much evidence from the accident as possible. This could include photos or videos of:
  • Your vehicle
  • The commercial truck
  • The road or traffic conditions
  • Your injuries
  • And more…
You should also write down the names and contact details of the other driver and any witnesses. It is important to collect the trucking company or other driver’s insurance information as well. Finally, you should contact a trucking accident law firm to help with your case. There are time limitations involved in truck accident cases, so it is best to reach out to a trucking accident attorney as soon as possible.

Why You Need A Trucking Accident Lawyer

Because of the extreme size and weight of tractor-trailer trucks, accidents involving these vehicles often cause serious injuries and property damage. This is one reason why it’s essential to have an experienced trucking accident claim lawyer on your side. A trucking accident attorney can help determine the cause of the crash. All too often, truck accidents are caused by variables within the driver’s control, such as inattention or speeding. Sometimes there are other factors involved, like mechanical or road issues. A trucking accident lawyer can get to the bottom of whatever might have led to the crash. Most vehicle accidents involve insurance companies, who are naturally looking out for themselves. They are adept at finding reasons to avoid paying victims of an accident. Often, they will offer the victim a low settlement amount instead of the full amount they should owe you. A trucking accident compensation lawyer can handle the insurance companies on your behalf. This might involve negotiating a fair settlement for your case, or filing a lawsuit against the insurance company. A trucking accident claim lawyer can help you obtain damages for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and more. Compensation may come from your insurance company, the trucking insurance company, or other sources.
Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation | (908) 923-0020

How Pezzano Law GroupIs Different

Trucking accident compensation lawyer At Pezzano Mickey Law, we are a small firm dedicated to helping our clients in a big way. With over 25 years in the field, attorney Lisa J. Pezzano is passionate about providing individualized, honest, and attentive legal services. Lisa J. Pezzano’s previous experience includes defending insurance companies. She uses this firsthand knowledge of how insurance companies work to skillfully represent her clients’ trucking accident cases. We understand how serious the injuries from a trucking accident can be, and how deeply they can impact you and your loved ones. If you live in the Phillipsburg, NJ area and you need a trucking accident compensation lawyer, Pezzano Law Groupis ready to support you.

Contact Our Trucking Accident Law Firm Today

When you’ve been the victim of a trucking accident, your health and recovery should be your first priority. Let Pezzano Law Grouphandle the rest of your case. For more information about how we can help with your trucking accident case, call our office in Phillipsburg, NJ at (908) 923-0020. We offer free case evaluations to all of our clients.
Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation | (908) 923-0020